Squidman story
Squidman story

squidman story
  1. Squidman story full size#
  2. Squidman story software#
  3. Squidman story plus#

So this story has no connection to the regular Guard series. Taken out of his normal timeline and dropped into another one. Like DC’s Elsewhere stories, the Guard has been I should point out that this tale is part of the Another Time – Another Place series. I hope you enjoyed this tale of the Guard in space. I’m quite pleased with this story, creating tension with a countdown and finishing off the story with an explosive finale. That was shot separately and then added at the editing stage. Through minifigure head held the bike and Peterson in the correct position, just long enough for a quick few camera shots.

Squidman story plus#

But the use of Blu Tack sticky dots plus the use of a clear see I thought Peterson’s bicycle acrobatics would prove to be a problem. Thankfully the tech team at Serif wereĪble to ‘unfreeze’ the pages.

Squidman story software#

The only other set that took a bit of time to build, was the Bio Tropical Dome.Īnother major (and really annoying) migraine, was in the software I use ‘freezing’ four pages of the story in it’s system. It took a long time, but the final picture I then took loads of pictures using different lighting and effects. Setting the lights up was a nightmare, as it (Part of the moonbases mono-rail forms the letter 'U'). Moonbase seemed the way forward for this story. Strip will be aware that I always spell out the word - The Guard, in different ways on the first page of every story. The very first image on page one of this story took about a day to put together. Perfect for taking shots from various angles. Luckily I already had the Shield Control / Sick Bay set and the Star Wars Cantina bar. Quite a few sets were required for this story. Oh and a lot of extra Lego to make some of the sets. (Iĭidn’t at the time have a large collection of space minifigures). After that it was a case of purchasing the necessary minifigures, one or two heads and quite a few space minifigures. I asked Louise if I could write a crossover story and she The more I thought about it, the more I could see a Guard / Tranquility Base story. Equally, I didn’t fancy trying to make one). I don’t own a Monorail and prices for one are high. (In the end the Monorail doesn’t actually The base’s Monorail system which appears in a few stories, helped progress my story ideas.

squidman story

The idea for writing a Guard / Tranquility Base crossover story germinated in my mind as I read my way through Louise’s comics a few monthsĪgo. I created two new characters, Grey who works in Operations and the computer system, Eve. So if that hasn’t happened in the tale and the story hasn’t worked, it’s my fault and mine alone. I wasĪlso keen that I remained loyal to their characters. I couldn’t really leave them out, all three are excellent creations. Squidman,Ĭaptain Slog and Peterson all make appearances in this story. This is purely being done to save myselfįirstly, my thanks to Louise Dade for letting me loose on Tranquility Base and using some of her wonderful characters.

Squidman story full size#

***Please note that I am using a standard thumbnail image for all the full size pictures on this page. The Beast story marked him as a hero among the kids of The Sandlot, even though it was all just a story made up by Squints.****LEGO® is a trademark of the LEGO Group, which does not sponsor, authorise or endorse this web site. His leadership qualities and management skills led him to the post of chief of police. He was educated and studied criminal history.

squidman story

It is believed Squidman died sometime in the 1960s.Ĭhief Squidman Palledorous was strict in things relating to law and order. Mertle to lock the dog in chains in his backyard forever.Ĭhief Squidman Palledorous married and became the grandfather of Michael "Squints" Palledorous. He suggested that the beast should retire because of his violent and atrocious behavior. Mertle's dog, The Beast, as being responsible for those that went missing. Mertle's junkyard, Chief Palledorous inspected the junkyard and condemned Mr. Īccording to Squints' story, when people reported that thieves had gone missing from Mr.

squidman story

Squidman Palledorous was a police chief in the old neighborhood.

Squidman story